Call-time pass-by-reference fatal error on PHP 5.4


I recently upgraded one our shared server from PHP 5.3 to PHP 5.4.10. As it is a shared hosting there are many application running on it.


One of our customer complained that his main page is resulting in “Internal Server Error”

This was the error from application log,

`PHP Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /home/username/public_html/includes/application.php on line 50`

**How to fix this issue:**

Open the file in a text editor, Navigate to the line (in my case its 50 from the error log),

Replace the code `$this->assign(‘app’,&$this);` with `$this->assign(‘app’,$this);` ,

ie remove the & sign from the Line.

Thats it, Now reload the page and your site will be back again.

Please comment if helpful.


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